Fast Fat Loss and Physique Coaching with James Jackson, using a state of the art app and AI integrations, giving you the fast and permanent results you previously thought impossible!

Fast Fat Loss and Physique Coaching with James Jackson, using a state of the art app with AI biometric analysing, giving you the fast and permanent results you previously thought impossible!
I’m James and I have been coaching people for over 20 years. I’ve been very fat (and lost it) and been shredded to an inch of my life (and lost it) so I am perfectly placed to understand the challenges my clients face when trying to transform their bodies…..discover more about me here
Taking ownership of your transformation from start to finish and relentlessly driving you towards your goals.
I will provide the instruction, support and accountability required, the tools and knowledge to do the right things at the right times and educate you on the how, when and why.
You will also benefit from our unique and results proven ‘Traffic Light Tracking’ dieting strategy….see more results

A new, all-in-one coaching app tracking your food, exercise, biometrics, stress, sleep and a whole lot more.
Fully integrated with your wearables and feeding directly back to me so changes can be made on the fly as often and quickly as needed…..view the app here

We both know that one of the reasons you have failed to reach your goals in the past is not being accountable to someone. Well now that all changes.
Daily updates that take seconds to complete but feed me loads of information on how your day has gone, what you have eaten, exercise and steps you have completed and more.
Not a single day will go by without you having to be accountable.

Fast, efficient and to the point. Direct contact with me daily via WhatsApp and our private WhatsApp Community. Support as and when you need it most, congratulating, encouraging and motivating when needed, or chastising, talking hard truths and getting you back on track at others. Backed up by daily and weekly motivation and education messages.

A huge education section within the app covering food prep, cooking, eating out guides, sleep management, stress control and so much more.
A library of information in your hand ensuring you not only get the body you want but you then know how to keep it.

Honestly? I don’t know. For this to work it has to be a close relationship based off trust and mutual respect. We have to both fully invest in chasing down your goals. I will only invite you to join IF I believe 100% that we can achieve the results you are after, together.
Click the button below and send me a message….let’s see!

✅ How do I Join?
- Click the button above and send me a message, we can then have a detailed chat about your goals, current social, work and family situations and what you have tried in the past.
- If we both agree that this will work for you then we will arrange a time to have a phone or video chat so I can explain fully how the process works and what to expect from each other. If all is good then I will send you a private link to join with.
- I will then set you up an account on the app, you will download it from the Apple or Google store and I will provide you with your account details.
- Once you are logged into the app there is an Initial Questionnaire for you to complete and I will then get to work writing the first phase of your transformation plan.
- From joining to actually being able to start normally takes 24-48 hours.
✅ What does it cost?
It’s ridiculously good value, less than the price of a family takeaway each week, £125 per month (£100 for TSP members upgrading) fully inclusive with no hidden extras. No joining fee, contracts or tie in periods. Stay until the job is done and then leave. I don’t believe in tying people down so you stay as long as we are getting results and you are happy.
✅ What exercise is needed?
Increased activity levels above and beyond what you do now ARE usually needed. That can be gym work, home based workouts or simply getting more steps in. Whatever your preference and availability I will write a personalised plan for you that is sustainable and realistic, but challenging enough to get the results we want.
✅ What will I eat?
Nothing you don’t like, don’t worry. You will track all your food and drink within the app and I can program higher and lower days based off weekends, work patterns, social events etc. There will be some base requirements around total calories and protein intake but other than that it is fairly flexible.
I will educate you on how to make better choices to reach your goals quicker but believe me there is nothing nasty required and we can incorporate alcohol and socialising.
Supplements are kept to a minimum. Creatine, multivitamins and Omegas. Protein shakes IF you wish to. That’s it.
If you have a specific eating requirement (vegan, gluten free etc) simply let me know on the form and we can will easily accommodate.
✅ Is your support really good?
I think so! Try it now. Click the button above (or the WhatsApp icon bottom right) and send me a message, let’s see how long it takes me to reply to you!
✅ What about contracts?
I don’t believe in tying people into anything. So as soon as you are ready to leave you can. No notice period, penalties, nothing.
Stay as long as you are getting results and nothing short of delighted with the service I am providing.
✅ Do I have to submit photos?
YES, sorry, there’s simply NO WAY any coach can write a fully personalised plan for you without seeing you, however, we CAN discuss the amount of ‘skin’ you are prepared to show and rest assured no picture of any client is EVER used by me without their explicit written consent.
✅ How long will it take?
How can anyone truthfully answer that for you? I certainly can’t. It depends on how your body responds, your previous dieting history, how far away from your goal you are, your mental resilience when times get tough and a host of other variables…
What I CAN tell you is I will get you to your goal in the quickest time possible that you (mentally) and your body (physically) can handle. I’ll congratulate and share your successes but also criticise, chastise and speak the truth when needed. My job is to get the results you want, and if you didn’t need help to do that you would not be reading this.
Send me a message and ask some questions, I will be very honest in my replies and ONLY if I truly believe we can work together and I can deliver what you want will I invite you to apply. I promise.
✅ Why choose James?
Ah yes, the big question.
We all know you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, and training to change how we look. There’s no rocket science to that BUT…
I have been doing this over 20 years. I am 52 years young and I am a proud husband and father. I work 18 hour days and understand the stresses of life and the challenges that family bring.
I am not about writing a ‘one size fits all’ plan. Everything needs to be personalised and unique to YOU. I excel at that, it’s what I do, because I GET IT. The number of people I have personally coached into unbelievable shape runs in the 1000’s, this is not my first rodeo.
If you want a coach that takes your success personally, is available all hours of the day for quick support, isn’t trying to rip you off and who invests 100% into getting the results YOU want, then I am the man for you.