I’ve been coaching people for over 20 years and achieved 1000’s of unbelievable results. Mentally, physically and emotionally helping people to change their lives and realise their full potential.

I own a personal training company and an international online diet plan, but Switch Online Coaching is the cherry on the cake, the epitome of everything I know, the culmination of all my years work, packaged into a service that ticks all the boxes, nutrition, exercise, coaching, accountability and support. The 5 key elements needed for anyone to succeed where all previous attempts have failed.


Oh good grief YES. I battle with my weight ALL the time, I am the original ‘fat man waiting to get out‘. I can put on a stone during a weeks holiday no problem. I can nail 14 chocolate penguin biscuits in under 4 minutes, easily put away 9000 calories on a Saturday night and eat myself into a near coma. I love Chinese food, red wine and mayonnaise. Actually I just love ALL food (not peanuts – they’re the devils work).

So I get it, I understand when the floodgates open, I understand the ‘let’s get it all eaten today cos tomorrow I will do better‘ mentality. In fact I just get it all, there’s nothing you have emotionally experienced around food that I have not, so YES, I relate to you and your struggles.

I was once told NEVER to take diet and weight loss advice from someone who has never had to experience the agony, desperation and anguish of trying to lose weight, and that is SO true.

I’ve been very fat, I’ve been very lean, and now I float in a nice sweet spot where I wouldn’t grace the cover of Mens Fitness, but I do enjoy good health, a great relationship with food and easily recover from excessive weekends that can now be enjoyed without guilt. I am assuming this is where YOU want to be also?


I could just say “Because people that I coach GET THE RESULTS THEY WANT“, but that would be too easy!

The truth is I run 3 businesses, work very long hours, am a proud husband and father and have been very fat and lost it. I’ve helped obese people get to the point where they are comfortable wearing bikinis and budgy smugglers, coached men down to 4% bodyfat, women down to 12%, designed diet strategies for people to overcome diabetes, PCOS, IBS, and a whole host of conditions that had previously prevented them living full lives AND I’ve got people ‘event ready’, hell I’ve even helped more women get pregnant than I can possibly count!  Absolutely anything you present me with I have helped someone overcome and achieve (well 99%).

I’ve also been in your shoes, juggling work, life, family, a love of food and drink and the emotional pressure of not being normal. I take every single clients success personally and always without exception relentlessly pursue your goals with you. My support is far in excess of anything you will have ever received before and I believe in 100% personalised plans for each and every one of my clients.

Ultimately, the real measure of my confidence in delivering is I don’t tie you into any contracts or notice periods or ask for 3 months upfront, there’s no need. I do my job, I do it well, you get results, you’re happy. When the job is done you leave but we remain friends for life. It’s as simple as that.


The quickest way to contact me is via WhatsApp by clicking the WhatsApp icon, bottom right of your screen or using the QR Code. I take your privacy very seriously and your details will never be sold or passed to any third parties and you will not be added to any mailing lists.

My initial reply to you will be by either email, whatsapp or text message.


The nature of my coaching unfortunately means I can’t accept everyone who makes an enquiry, spaces are limited and it's essential we can work succesfully together. Please send me a message below and lets have a chat to establish what you are looking to achieve.

We can then arrange a phone or video call detailing exactly what you can expect in terms of my service to you and the results you can realistically achieve.


My inital contact with you will be either text or Whatsapp. I will never call you unless pre-arranged and your details will never be passed to any third parties. Ever.

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